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For technical terms and acronyms used in the site see our help page(click here).
Using the site:
Pre-defined Screens you may just click and
Price and Volume screens:
screen results for price rises for a certain consective sessions or volume rises for a certain consective sessions.
Average) cross screen SMA5 cross up SMA10 or SMA10 cross up SMA30
Up-trending Stocks: Stocks in
a 60day up-trend
Break-up Stocks: Stock break
up and not too far from base
Gap-up Stcoks: Stock with
today's low price higher than yesterday's high price
Stocks making Yearly High:
Stock close at this year's high
ASX Fundamental Screen
- What you can do with it?
You may screen on single
PE from ... to ...
PE from 0 to 5 will give you all stocks with PE between 0 and 5
PE from 5 to 50 will give you all stock with PE between 5 and 50
Market Cap from ... to ...
Market Cap from 0 to 5 M will give you all stocks with Market Cap between 0 and
5 Million Dollars
Market Cap from 500 M to 5000 M will give you all stocks with Market Cap between
500Million and 5 Billion Dollars
You may combine
multi-criteria in your screen:
PE from 0 to 5
Market Cap from 50 M to 500 M
will give you all stocks with PE between 0 and 5 AND Market Cap between 0 and 5
Million Dollars
PE from 0 to 5
Market Cap from 50 M to 500 M
EPS from 1c to 10c
will give you all stocks with PE between 0 - 5 AND Market Cap between 0 - 5
Million Dollars AND Earning per Share between 1c - 10c
You may also set sectors
for your screen:
PE from 0 to 5
Market Cap from 50 M to 500 M
sector select "Mining"
will give you all mining stocks with PE between 0 and 5 AND Market Cap
between 0 and 5 Million Dollars
Any questions? send us a message on:
